Sistema di rivoluzione finanziaria a monete PDX. Come pagare qualcosa nell'era presente si è spostato nella sfera digitale. Il pagamento digitale è considerato per facilitare l'utente a ridurre gli errori che spesso si verificano nel pagamento tradizionalmente. Infatti, la modalità di pagamento tradizionale è ormai quasi estinta sostituita dai pagamenti digitali.

#PDXCoin #crypto-to-fiat #pagamenti #banking #pagamenti globali #pagamentiapp

Cos'è PDX?

PDX Coin is a worldwide installment and computerized financial stage that is being worked as an entrance to empower countless retail clients, organizations, traders merchants, and other biological system accomplices worldwide to completely partake in the crypto economy unreservedly and effectively with moment changes and low expenses.

Advantages of PDX Coin

PDX Coin is a solid store of significant worth, vehicle of trade, and unit of record - PDX is fostering an in-house banking framework, which empowers any retail location terminal to have introduced a basic IOS and Android-upheld application which hurries to get digital currencies as essentially as it does government issued currency. This works for vendors on the grounds that PDX trades out the crypto for the trader's favored cash, which PDX settles in a split second, while simultaneously empowering the crypto proprietor to effortlessly spend that crypto interestingly.

PDX Coin will empower holders of other advanced or public monetary forms to secure increases and additionally ensure against antagonistic decreases in esteem because of expansion, instability, or cash downgrading.

Metaverse Currency - The Metaverse is the quickly arising vivid 3D advancement making an immense equal economy anticipated to be worth several trillions of dollars before very long. Anyway In the metaverse, conventional installment strategies are not appropriate, and crypto-based installments will be the norm. Then again, cryptographic money installments and the blockchain are the best slopes for metaverse installments because of their advanced qualities, unrivaled security, and capacity to check on a permanent record.

PDX will empower simple installments in the metaverse without upsetting the progression of the experience. Regardless of whether you are buying originator garments for your symbol, purchasing music in a virtual store, or playing in a virtual 3D poker game, you will need to do as such without exitting or being occupied in the virtual climate. As a feature of its crypto-to-fiat installments and banking stage, PDX will empower direct installment utilizing the local PDX Coin token, yet in addition a considerable lot of the other generally fluid and broadly held digital currencies, which will likewise be facilitated on its application.

Ethereum Chain is a square chain used to make PDX COIN with a symbol PDX a solid new banking and monetary administrations biological system that resolves different issues globally through encoded and permissionless shared installments and cash moves. It is likewise being situated as the Metaverse's significant installment strategy.

PDX needs to make it simple, and no harder by presenting PDXPAY,PDXPay is the world's first portable installment program that let clients to spend coins immediately on the web and in shops. The accommodation of use is vital. The present crypto is testing. PDX has make it as straightforward as utilizing a Visa. If crypto proceeds true to form, the average individual will be totally ignorant that it is being used.Using PDXPay is a breeze. At the retail location, there is no compelling reason to convey a card, note, supplement, or sign anything; there is no compelling reason to enter amounts; and there is no compelling reason to reclaim or change over focuses. Each interaction has been computerized. When a shopper has picked which digital currency to use in their wallet, the PDXPay application lets them to make an installment with a solitary tap.


As far as convenience, exchange speed, exchange volume, and exchange costs, the group have discovered that the Ethereum blockchain doesn't fit, and can't fulfill the goals, as well as the necessities and wellbeing of the symbolic holders and clients in the long run.As an outcome, the group is dealing with another DeFi blockchain innovation called "Siberia."Siberia will help PDX in accomplishing various destinations, including working with its coordination into the metaverse for the arrangement of an assortment of installments, DeFi, and banking administrations, as well as the production of diversion, gaming, and betting substance. It will utilize a Proof-of-Stake agreement component.

This new blockchain will sit on top of PDX and will be regulated by an outside authority,as a completely decentralized and free blockchain. The groups objective is to complete the process of creating and testing the Siberia blockchain by late 2023, and afterward convey it. Now, PDX Coin will be moved off the Ethereum blockchain and onto the new Siberia blockchain. This will offer PDX with far quicker move and exchange rates for a portion of the expense of ETH, and without the requirement for a cumbersome "go between" method to finish an exchange.

Elements of PDX
It depends on encoded and permissionless shared (no mediator) cash and worldwide installments

Coin holders will actually want to make installments and moves secretly, right away anyplace on the planet, and in the metaverse

Information will be put away on a permanent blockchain, making it indestructible, robbery resistant, and unknown

PDX virtual banking, trade and installments handling capacities will take care of off one another and construct a huge client reception in the buyer and business world

PDX's goal is to benefit from its crypto installment and virtual financial capacities in the traditional world, we are building our innovation and item base fully expecting a completely working and vigorously populated metaverse soon. The undertaking plans to give the entirety of its banking and defi items and capacities in the metaverse, as well as being a forerunner in retail and business installments. Subsequently, this applies to whatever number sorts of agreeable DeFi items and administrations as could be allowed across however many legitimate locales as would be prudent.

Soon, PDX expects to put resources into and structure long haul organizations, joint endeavors, and collusions with content engineers in the fields of sports, betting, gaming, and other amusement. An objective of this task is to be engaged with the making of famous metaverse objections that are adjusted only by our installments and monetary stages. Content creation will likewise be a critical part of our destined to-be-reported Siberia blockchain convention.

PDX Coin today diagrams how its crypto-to-fiat moment installments and virtual financial stage being created by PDX and its innovation accomplice, Unified Infotech, will effortlessly empower installments in the metaverse.

PDX, drove by a profoundly experienced administration and innovation group across a few mainlands, will empower simple installments in the metaverse without upsetting the progression of the experience. PDX Coin, the stage's local token, is now exchanging on driving crypto trade p2pb2b

PDX was deliberately intended to ultimately be the world's driving non-fiat, computerized, method for trade. It gives genuine send/get usefulness and will empower all individuals worldwide to approach a financial capacity on their telephones and different gadgets, as well as admittance to credit and the capacity to be paid in digital money as well as make installments, anyplace on the planet, efficiently and immediately, shared. It likewise goes about as a somewhat steady store of significant worth by really securitizing and adapting the benefit of fundamental energy resources, simultaneously additionally giving full DeFi financing and yield age capacities.

PDX will create an application where everybody can get and sent digital currency likewise as basically does government issued currency. It will likewise work for marchent beacause they trade out the cryoto for the trader favored cash.


PDX is intentionally intended to ultimately turn into the world's driving non-fiat, computerized, trade device. It gives genuine send/get usefulness and will permit everybody internationally to approach banking capacities on their telephones and different gadgets, just as admittance to credit and the capacity to be paid in digital currency and make installments, anyplace on the planet, inexpensively and without any problem. moment, shared. It additionally goes about as a somewhat steady store of significant worth by viably getting and adapting the worth of the fundamental energy resources, while likewise giving full DeFi financing and yield ability.
PDX will foster an application where anybody can get and send digital currencies just as paper cash. This will likewise work for marchents as they trade the cryoto for the merchant's favored cash,


PDX Coin is an ERC20 utility token, which will be exchanged and
is referred to and recognized as "PDX Coin", its lawful name, and as "PDX", its three-letter image, and might be alluded to here under one or the other assignment. PDX as a result of its sheer scale and degree addresses the production of a genuinely worldwide shadow monetary system.PDX is a computerized money that is at the center of another vigorous banking and monetary administrations environment (the "Three Pillars" stage) in view of shared (for example no go-between) scrambled and permissionless installments and cash moves, around the world, that takes care of numerous issues. It is additionally situated as the main installment divert in the metaverse.

PDX Coin holders will actually want to make moment installments and moves secretly, and right away, anyplace on the planet, and their information will be put away on an unchanging blockchain, making it indestructible, against robbery and incomprehensible for others to know without they. information and assent


Token Name: PDX Coin
Token Ticker: PDX
Network: ERC-20
Absolute Supply: 5 Billion
Where to Buy?

As of now, it is exchanging on P2PB2B and Vindax trade. It intends to list on the greatest decentralized trade, Uniswap, as soon as the finish of February 2022

PDX Coin is at the heart of global payments and digital banking platform that aims to allow hundreds of millions of retail users, institutions, merchants, vendors, and ecosystem partners to participate easily in the crypto economy with instant conversions between digital and fiat currencies. Through the upcoming virtual banking services and payment apps, all major crypto assets supported by the platform will become instantly liquid, and available across tens of millions of locations and online sites around the world. By 2024, PDX plans to also introduce a regulated platform to trade digital shares of most publicly held companies, as well as cryptocurrencies.

Although PDX’s primary objective is to capitalize on its crypto payment and virtual banking capabilities in the conventional world, we are building our technology and product base in anticipation of a fully functioning and heavily populated metaverse in the near future. The project aims to provide all of its banking and defi products and functions in the metaverse, in addition to being a leader in retail and commercial payments. Consequently, this applies to as many types of compliant DeFi products and services as possible across as many legal jurisdictions as possible.

In the near future, PDX intends to invest in and form long-term partnerships, joint ventures and alliances with content developers in the fields of sports, gambling, gaming, and other entertainment. A goal of this project is to be involved in the creation of popular metaverse destinations that are serviced exclusively by our payments and financial platforms. Content creation will also be a significant component of our soon to be announced Siberia blockchain protocol.


2019 Q3
Completed and deployed our blockchain technology platform, smart contracts, and protocols in July 2019

2021 Q2
Enhanced, upgraded, and redeployed our smart contract to a more efficient version

2021 Q2 and beyond
Preparing our public exchange listings and first crowd private and public pre-sales

From 2021 Q3
Setting up our basic banking infrastructure; making key new hires across finance, management, and technology. Commencing conventional and social media marketing program, and community building. Final development phase of the PDXPay global crypto-to-fiat payments app.

2022 from Q1 and beyond
Global marketing and PR campaign commencing for the PDX global public and institutional token sale

Starting 2022, Q4
Development of the new Siberia Blockchain Protocol commences
2022 Q4
Introducing Phase 1 test version of the payments app, and beta version of the new exchange platforms



Commencing 2022 Q3 as first of a series
$5 billion target raise
Expected to increase adoption base by up to 5 million token holders
Proceeds to develop our energy assets, build our global banking infrastructure, roll out our exchange platforms, fund corporate and marketing expenses, and provide a significant boost to our R&D efforts and technology platform.


Banking / Payments / Capital Markets
R & D, and related Investments
Corporate and Reserves
Energy Group


The PDX Coin installments handling engineering is completely new and the application will permit all significant digital currencies to turn out to be in a split second fluid and spendable in huge number of areas all over the planet; accelerating the kickoff of the crypto economy to foundations, traders, and other biological system accomplices around the world. The simple to-utilize application will empower regular buys utilizing all significant digital currencies. PDX is focusing something like 250 million downloads around the world before the decade's over as crypto mass reception keeps on developing.

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