A New Network Based on Blockchain Technology
The original DApp developed by Punk.Network can achieve one-stop construction of NFT-type assets, DeFi smart contract products, DGAME smart contract game products and Prc-standard token issuance- 20. For builders! Grow your project with Punk. Teams and developers looking to build on Punk.Network can take advantage of partnerships, exclusive support, and other programs for a new generation of games, apps, and digital assets. power them. vigorously develop NFT-style asset finance and derivatives, while maximizing its financial potential. Artistic pledge papers are very sophisticated financial instruments in the real world. Due to the inability to separate NFTs and their relatively low circulation, mortgage lending became a real necessity. Specialized NFT issuance platform.

In terms of underlying technology, Punk.Network has been customized so that NFT assets can be released as assets in the StNFT (standardized NFT) format NFT-type assets will most likely convert to non-assets. The closest focus to individuals as a whole in the context of blockchain business is compiled. Therefore, they are considered to have boundless potential. This is because such assets are clearer and more market-recognized than dangerously standardized tokens (especially streaming tokens). It’s essentially a mechanical redesign of elective assets, (e.g. craft and sort cards) depicted with standard cash, and the new designs and focus conveyed. subject to progress of main development.Punk.Network adopts Rust and produces strings under Substrate framework. Isomorphism helps Punk.Network’s assets.
Then Punk.Network will achieve chain level FT & NFT asset migration through Polkadot migration chain, starting from Layer0 multi-attachment to achieve useful organization, Rust can handle carefully takes into account the issues of Punk.Network’s high-synchronization and high-security system, and in general it will work with high survivability in multi-center and large-scale environments. The organizational adequacy of the NFT display layer, application layer,
What is a Punk token?
Punk is the original currency in the form of digital assets that are tokenized on the blockchain network using PoS Consensus and integrated with a smart contract with the future of their own network (PRC-20). This is the main currency that will be used in the Punk Network system to become the main instrument of transactions in their system. Punk Token is the backbone of the innovative NFT system, which differs from others in that it introduces a new, more innovative structure, especially in the NFT exchange, more efficiently and without restrictions. Punk can be used for a variety of purposes, such as accessing limited features in the ecosystem, purchasing exclusive NFTs in the Punk system, and a few other cool features. Owners also gain greater profit potential as demand continues to grow steadily, especially in the global blockchain content market.

Blockchain, a technology that continues to evolve every year and is recognized as one of the revolutionary innovations of the century, one of the innovations — Non-Fungible-Token (NFT) — is a new concept in the cryptocurrency market that will continue to grow. over time with the realization of how strong the NFT concept is, especially in the cryptocurrency market. Digital content market. In the past few months, we have seen the development of the DeFi & NFT marketplace, which continues to grow with new innovations and over time as they are introduced in a variety of ways. The recent bull market has also drawn attention to this concept in order to gain attention in the global market. On the other hand, the concept of decentralized content offered by the Punk Network provides an ecosystem that includes new, more unique and innovative NFTs.
Contact Information
Website : https://www.punk.network/
Whitepaper : https://abc7a26e-0156-47a8-96cd-c27763efc4c0.filesusr.com/ugd/c83dc5_dfd89af0040e45768db07dee08c1b6b2.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Punk_Network
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PunkNetworkofficial
Telegram : https://t.me/PunkNetwork
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nftcastleofficial/
Reddit : https://github.com/punknetwork
Bitcointalk Username: Tipex12
Telegram Username:@tipex
ERC-20 Wallet Address
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