Nebula Protocol transaction. especially in financial DeFi blockchain technology

The Nebula Protocol is a community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. Three simple functions occur during each trade A buy, sell or transfer incurs a fee charge of 2% and the entire portion of this is re-allocated to every holder (“the yield”). The rebase mechanism works like an airdrop, but it’s not because it does not require you to “collect” it quite literally, it just appears as an increase in your balance. The reward amount is conditioned upon the proportion of your holdings to the total supply and volume of the token being traded. LP Acquisition: On top of the previous point, each buy/sell/transfer goes through an “automatic liquidity generation” event, an acquisition of 6%. This makes passive yield farming sustainable and constantly raises the token price floor. Here’s a simple explanation of the last point: the mechanism harvests the BNB and $SNBL, converts them to a liquidity pool token, and permanently locks it into the contract. Once in the contract, the LP token c...